When reading some articles, books and posts about the Soviet Army these are usually packed with acronyms which are not that easy to understand. And there is nothing to be ashamed about - these are acronyms from a different language and they are quite counterintuitive from time to time.
To simplify this list it will be split in four parts - military units, vehicles, weapons and equipment. If you feel that something is missing from the list, do not hesitate to leave a comment and we will add it.
Military units acronyms
These come in all shapes and colors and unlike vehicles and weapons, which can be easily googled, these are a bit more tricky. Let's start with the most common type of units in the Soviet Army - infantry.
English designation | Russian designation | Russian meaning | Translated |
MSD | МСД | MotoStrelkovaya Diviziya | Motorized Rifle Division |
MSP | МСП | MotoStrelkoviy Polk | Motorized Rifle Regiment |
MSB | МСБ | MotoStrelkoviy Batallion | Motorized Rifle Battalion |
MSBr | МСБр | MotoStrelkovaya Brigada | Motorised Rifle Brigade |
Usually, when you see brigade mentioned, it is stated as oMSBr (оМСБр). Letter "o" in this case stands for "otdelniy" - "separate", meaning that the brigade is not part of any division and is under the direct command of the Army. Similar logic goes for other types of units, but when we are talking about smaller units, like separate company or a battalion, they would usually be under the direct command of the Division, meaning that they are not a part of any regiment.
Same logic goes for the majority of the other branches of service.
PDP | ПДП | Parashutno-Desantniy Polk | Airborne regiment |
DShBr | ДШБр | Desantno Shturmovaya Brigada | Air Assault Brigade |
TB | ТБ | Tankoviy Batallion | Tank Batallion |
ISP | ИСП | Inzhenerno Saperniy Polk | Sapper Engineer Regiment |
However, there are quite a few exceptions. I do not want to go too deep into some micro sub units, like Separate Anti-Plague Unit or Bread Baking Factory (yes, that was a military unit as well). Let's go over some more common ones:
ooSpN | ооСпН | Otdelniy Otryad SpetsNaznacheniya | Separate Unit of Special Forces |
ADN | АДН | Artileriyskiy DivizioN | Artillery Squadron |
PMP | ПМП | Polkovoy MedPunkt | Regimental Medical Point |
RR | РР | Razved Rota | Recce Company |
If there are some other unit acronyms which you believe should be added here - do not hesitate to comment.
Soviet Military Vehicles acronyms
Luckily, there are not that many common vehicles. Again, we are not going to list some very specific recon/radio/engineer machines here. Or we will, if there will be a request.
Now, you can probably guess that letter T in any of the tank's designation (T-55/T-72 etc) stands for Tank. But other vehicles are not all that simple. The general rule of thumb - armored vehicles acronyms are descriptive, while trucks represent the name of the factory where they were produced.
BTR | БТР | BroneTransPorter | Armored Personnel Carrier |
BMP | БМП | Boevaya Mashina Pehoty | Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
BMD | БМД | Boevaya Mashina Desanta | Airborne Fighting Vehicle |
BTR-D | БТР-Д | BroneTransPorter Desantniy | Airborne Armored Personnel Carrier |
BRDM | БРДМ | Bronirovanaya Rozvedivatelno Dozornaya Mashina | Armored Recon-Patrol Vehicle |
MTLB | МТЛБ | Mnogocelevoy Tyagach Legkiy Bronirovaniy | Multipurpose Light Armored Towing vehicle |
UAZ | УАЗ | Ulyanovsky Avtomobilny Zavod | Ulyanovsk Automobile Factory |
GAZ | ГАЗ | Gorkovskiy Avtomobilny Zavod | Gorky Automobile Plant |
KamAZ | КамАЗ | Kamskiy Avtomobilnyy Zavod | Kama Automobile Plant |
ZIL | ЗИЛ | Zavod Imeni Likhachyova | Likhachev Automobile Plant |
Some Soviet Weapons acronyms
The acronyms for small arms and other infantry weapons broadly fall into two categories. They are either descriptive or named after their inventors. Or both.
AK | АК | Avtomat Kalashnikova | Kalashnikov's assault rifle |
AKMS | АКМС | Avtomat Kalashnikova Modernezirovaniy Skladnoy | Kalashnikov's assault rifle, modernized, with folding stock |
AKSU | АКСУ | Avtomat Kalashnikova Skladnoy Ukorocheniy | Kalashnikov's assault rifle, shortened, with folding stock |
RPK | РПК | Ruchnoy Pulemet Kalashnikova | Kalashnikov's handheld machine gun |
RPG | РПГ | Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomet | Handheld anti-tank grenade (launcher) |
PKM | ПКМ | Pulemet Kalashnikova Modernizirovaniy | Kalashnikov's machine gun, modernized |
DShK | ДШК | Dyagterev, Shpagin, Krupnokaliberniy | Dyagterev-Shpagin, high caliber |
NSV "Utes" | НСВ "Утес" | Nikitin, Sokolov, Volkov | Nikitin-Sokolov- Volkov |
AGS | АГС | Avtomaticheskiy Granatomet Stankoviy | Grenade machine gun, on a tripod |
PTRK | ПТРК | ProtivoTankoviy Raketniy Kompleks | Anti-tank rocket launcher |